Oriana Financial Group of Canada Ltd.#10214

Mortgage Calculators

Calculators for a Variety of Mortgage Options

Use our great mortgage calculators to determine your mortgage payment, create an amortization schedule, calculate the maximum mortgage amount you qualify for based on your income or calculate your mortgage payment for several payment frequencies. You can even compare the financial advantage of renting and buying based on your current monthly rent, funds towards your down payment and your desired monthly payment if you purchased a home or just call an Oriana Broker to assist you.

Maximum Mortgage

Calculate the maximum mortgage amount you qualify for based on your income. A great tool for buyers!

Mortgage Analyzer

Calculate your mortgage payment. Create an amortization schedule. Discover what you will owe in 5 years.

Mortgage Isolator

Isolate a variable in the determinants of a mortgage payment.

Payment Analyzer

Calculate your mortgage payment for several payment frequencies (weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly and monthly). Discover how many years you will shorten your amortization.

Pre-Payment Analyzer

Calculate your mortgage payment. Discover how many years you will shorten your amortization and how much interest savings you will realize by making a prepayment (lump sum) on your mortgage.

Rent or Buy

Compare the financial advantage of renting and buying based on your current monthly rent, funds towards your down payment and your desired monthly payment if you purchased a home.

Land Transfer Tax

In general, if you buy land or an interest in land in Ontario, you must pay Ontario's land transfer tax, whether or not the transfer is registered at one of Ontario's land registry office. Find out what you can expect to pay.


Term Our Rate Bank Rate
2 YEAR 5.%19 7.35%
3 YEAR 4.59% 7.14%
4 YEAR 4.69% 6.99%
5 YEAR 4.49%* 7.04%
5 YEAR variable 5.55%* 7.20%
15 Aug 2024

*Special conditions apply. Interest rates are provided for information purposes only and are subject to change without notice.

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